Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 5, 2013

Huế Style Sweet Soup Recipe (Chè Huế)

Huế Style Sweet Soup (Chè Huế) is the amazing combination between condensed milk, mung bean and jelly. This dish originally comes from many stunning Vietnamese Dessert Recipes. If you have a chance to visit Huế City, make sure you will not miss it. However, you also can make it at home by following my recipe below.
Huế Style Sweet Soup Recipe (Chè Huế)
Huế Style Sweet Soup Recipe (Chè Huế)
Weekend is coming soon, why don’t we pick up one of stunning Vietnamese Dessert Recipesand cook for all who we love? I bet they will totally fall in love with it. When you are ready, feel free to follow my instruction below and let us start cooking right now.


Making milk jelly: 7g soft jelly flour, 300ml water, 1 tablespoon condensed milk
Making mung bean: ½ bowl mung bean (no cover), salt, 2 tablespoons sugar
Making coconut syrup: 200ml coconut milk, 1 teaspoon corn starch, ½ teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon sugar
Roasted peanut
Condensed milk


Step 1: Clean mung bean in 2 – 3 times. Soak in cold water about 1 – 2 hours. Next, wash again carefully. Pour them into pot, add more water and bring to cook with small heat. Sometime, use spoon to stir well to make sure mung bean will not be burnt on the bottom. My tip: pour water is equal the surface of mung bean.

Huế Style Sweet Soup Recipe (Chè Huế)
Step 2: When mung bean is soft, add more sugar, use spoon to stir well. Turn off the heat, wait to reduce heat, and bring it to grind well. Then, add mung bean into pot, do not stop stirring when cooking. Cook more 5 – 10 minutes and turn off the heat. This mung bean mixture is required not too thick.
Huế Style Sweet Soup Recipe (Chè Huế)
Step 3: Making milk jelly: add soft jelly flour into pot, add more water and use spoon to stir well until jelly flour is melted. Wait in 15 minutes. Bring to cook with small heat; do not stop stirring when cooking. Cook until it starts boiling, add more condensed milk into pot. Here is my favorite part when cooking one of amazing Vietnamese Dessert Recipes like this one.
Huế Style Sweet Soup Recipe (Chè Huế)
Step 4: Cook with small heat until jelly flour is melted, turn off the heat. Scoop into big bowl, wait to reduce heat and put in fridge.
Huế Style Sweet Soup Recipe (Chè Huế)
Step 5: After that, cut it into small cubes.
Huế Style Sweet Soup Recipe (Chè Huế)

Click Huế Style Sweet Soup Recipe (Chè Huế) to see more


Grilled Crispy Snakehead Fish Recipe (Cá Lóc Nướng Giòn)

In Lunch Meal today for my family, I decide to make Grilled Crispy Snakehead Fish (Cá Lóc Nướng Giòn) which comes from many delicious Vietnamese Fish Recipes. Eating with boiled rice and hot soup is my family’s favorite. After grilled, its skin will be crispy and help to create a spectacular flavor in your mouth. Moreover, you still have another option with this dish. Using with rice paper, vegetables and dipping sauce is all delicious.
In my granddad’s dead anniversary, my mom and aunts always makes one of delicious Vietnamese Fish Recipes like this one because he really loves fish. So, do you want to cook it with us? When you are ready, please follow our instruction below and let us start cooking right now.


1 snakehead fish (1kg)
1 onion
1 small ginger
Fish sauce, salt, sugar, pepper and Maggi’s stuff
Spices to spread on fish’s skin: 2 tablespoons honey, 1 teaspoon oyster oil, 1 teaspoon annatto seed oil
Vegetables: Salad, cucumber, bean sprout, basil, heart leaves, Asian coriander, Vietnamese mint.
Vermicelli, rice paper (you should wrap rice paper in banana leaves in 2 – 3 hours before serving)
Sweet and Sour sauce
Roasted peanut, smashed
Spring onion (50g).


Step 1: Clean carefully fish in water added salt in 3 – 4 times. Clean again on fresh water and wait to get dry. Slit gently some lines on fish’s body.

Step 2: Peel off the cover of ginger and grind well. Use ½ this grinded ginger to apply on fish’s body and wait in 15 minutes. Then, clean again carefully. Use the left of grinded ginger to apply into lines on fish’s body.

Step 3: Peel off the cover of onion. Slice fiber and put on aluminum paper. Next, put fish onto this paper as well and marinate on fish skin: 2 teaspoons salt + 2 teaspoons fish sauce + 1 teaspoon Maggi’s stuff + a little pepper. Use your hand to scrape these spices to absorb into skin. Cover carefully and put in fridge, wait for 1 night. Here is the important step to create one of stunning Vietnamese Fish Recipes.
Step 4: Next day, open the aluminum paper, pour the sauce from fish into small bowl and apple a little this sauce around fish on its skin. Put on grilling tray and grill from 30 – 45 minutes at 200 degree. Sometime, spread the sauce on its skin.
Step 5: Clean and slice small spring onion. Mix with oil and put into microwave in 30 seconds to cook.

Click Grilled Crispy Snakehead Fish Recipe (Cá Lóc Nướng Giòn) to see more


Jelly with Pandan Leaves and Milk Recipe (Thạch Lá Dứa với Sữa)

What will you make for your own dessert this weekend? Maybe Jelly with Pandan Leaves and Milk (Thạch Lá Dứa với Sữa) is a good choice. From many amazing Vietnamese Dessert Recipes, here is the favorite dish of my family. After take a nap, enjoy one cold jelly glass is perfect. Don’t you think? Moreover, you can serve them for guests when they visit your house.
Jelly with Pandan Leaves and Milk Recipe (Thạch Lá Dứa với Sữa)
Jelly with Pandan Leaves and Milk Recipe (Thạch Lá Dứa với Sữa)
So, are you ready to discover one of stunning Vietnamese Dessert Recipes like this one with me? If you say Yes, feel free to follow my instruction below and let us start making it right now, ok?


Making green jelly: 1 bunch of pandan leaves (50g), 1 teaspoon jelly flour (agar agar flour), 400ml water, ¼ bowl sugar
Making white jelly: 1 teaspoon jelly flour (agar agar flour), 400ml milk no sugar, ¼ bowl sugar. If you want it more delicious, you can add use 200ml milk no sugar with 200ml coconut milk.


Step 1: Clean well pandan leaves, slice into short pieces.

Jelly with Pandan Leaves and Milk Recipe (Thạch Lá Dứa với Sữa)
Step 2: Grinded well pandan leaves with 200ml water.
Jelly with Pandan Leaves and Milk Recipe (Thạch Lá Dứa với Sữa)
Step 3: Filter to get the smooth water from pandan mixture in step 2.
Jelly with Pandan Leaves and Milk Recipe (Thạch Lá Dứa với Sữa)
Step 4: Next, mix jelly flour, sugar and 200ml water with pandan water in step 3, stir well and wait in 15 minutes.
Jelly with Pandan Leaves and Milk Recipe (Thạch Lá Dứa với Sữa)
Step 5: Put on cooking stove and cook with small heat. Do not stop stirring when cooking. Cook until sugar is melted. Here is also one of important step to create the flavor for this dish which comes from many amazing Vietnamese Dessert Recipes.
Jelly with Pandan Leaves and Milk Recipe (Thạch Lá Dứa với Sữa)

Click Jelly with Pandan Leaves and Milk Recipe (Thạch Lá Dứa với Sữa) to see more


Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 5, 2013

Dried Squid Porridge Recipe (Cháo Mực Khô)

Do you want to change your boring daily meal? One of my favorite Vietnamese Food Recipes in this weather is Dried Squid Porridge (Cháo Mực Khô). The natural sweetness from dried squid makes this dish more delicious. Why don’t we choose to cook it today?
Dried Squid Porridge Recipe (Cháo Mực Khô)
Dried Squid Porridge Recipe (Cháo Mực Khô)
If you do want to discover one of stunning Vietnamese Food Recipes like this one, let us start cooking right now, ok?


2 – 3 dried squids (big size)
½ bowl rice
¼ bowl sticky rice
Pork blood cube (100 – 150g)
1 ginger
Spring onion, salt, pepper, Magi’s stuff, fish sauce
Purple onion, white wine
Chinese sticks (Quẩy) or Century Eggs (Hột vịt Bách Thảo)
Bean sprout


Step 1: Clean well dried squids, soak in water added a little white wine (rice wine) in 30 minutes. You can use squid feeler to stew with pork broth.

Dried Squid Porridge Recipe (Cháo Mực Khô)
Step 2: Mix rice and sticky rice together, clean well and wait to dry. Heat a little oil in small pot, add minced purple onion and fry until it is fragrant. Then, add mixture rice and fry quickly in 5 – 7 minutes.
Dried Squid Porridge Recipe (Cháo Mực Khô)
Step 3: Pour pork broth (3 – 4 bowls) into mixture in step 2. Cook with small heat until rice is soft. Here is also the first step to create one of amazing Vietnamese Food Recipes.
Dried Squid Porridge Recipe (Cháo Mực Khô)
Step 4: Peel off cover of ginger, clean and slice fiber. Clean bean sprout, wait to dry.
Dried Squid Porridge Recipe (Cháo Mực Khô)
Step 5: After soaked dried squids, clean well again and use scissors for cut into long and thin pieces. You also can use hands to tear them small.
Dried Squid Porridge Recipe (Cháo Mực Khô)
Step 6: Heat the oil, add sliced purple onion + ginger and fry until they are fragrant. Next, add sliced squid into pot and fry with a little fish sauce and sugar.
Dried Squid Porridge Recipe (Cháo Mực Khô)
Step 7: Boil pork blood cube again, slice into small square shapes.
Dried Squid Porridge Recipe (Cháo Mực Khô)

Click Dried Squid Porridge Recipe (Cháo Mực Khô) to see more


Lotus Seeds Sweet Soup with Grass Jelly Recipe (Chè Hạt Sen và Thạch Đen)

What dessert will you cook and eat today? In this summer, I choose Lotus Seeds Sweet Soup with Grass Jelly (Chè Hạt Sen và Thạch Đen) which comes from many delicious Vietnamese Dessert Recipes for myself and family. It is really simple for cooking and also really tasty and fresh.
Lotus Seeds Sweet Soup with Grass Jelly Recipe (Chè Hạt Sen và Thạch Đen)
Have you ever tried to combine lotus seeds and grass jelly for cooking together? Trust me; this is a great decision. A fantastic flavor in your mouth when chewing is explored. When you are ready, feel free to follow my instruction below to create one amazing Vietnamese Dessert Recipes.


300g dried/fresh lotus seeds
 Grass jelly (100 – 150g)
50g palm sugar


Step 1: Clean well dried lotus seeds. If you choose fresh ones, you should remove the cores of them. They are really bitter.

Lotus Seeds Sweet Soup with Grass Jelly Recipe (Chè Hạt Sen và Thạch Đen)
Step 2: Cook 2 bowls water until it boils, add lotus seeds into pot and cook until it is soft. Sometime, use spoon to scoop away the dirty bubbles on surface.
Lotus Seeds Sweet Soup with Grass Jelly Recipe (Chè Hạt Sen và Thạch Đen)

Click Lotus Seeds Sweet Soup with Grass Jelly Recipe (Chè Hạt Sen và Thạch Đen) to see more


Stir fried Snails with Lemongrass and Chili Recipe (Ốc Xào Sả Ớt)

Stir fried Snails with Lemongrass and Chili (Ốc Xào Sả Ớt) comes from Middle Area, Vietnam. The people in this place usually use chili and lemongrass for all their dishes. Like many other Vietnamese Food Recipes, this dish will bring a specific flavor from each area of Vietnam. If you are a gourmet, why don’t you choose it for cooking and enjoy in this weekend?
Stir fried Snails with Lemongrass and Chili Recipe (Ốc Xào Sả Ớt)
Stir fried Snails with Lemongrass and Chili Recipe (Ốc Xào Sả Ớt) 
When you want to discover one of stunning Vietnamese Food Recipes like this one, welcome to follow my instruction below and let us start cooking right now.


Snails (1 – 2 kg)
Lemongrass, salt, chili, chili powder, vinegar


Step 1: Clean well snails, use small brush to scrape their covers carefully. Next, soak in water added a little chili/vinegar in 2 hours. Then, pour on basket and wait to dry. Mix with a little salt and chili powder, pour into pot.

Stir fried Snails with Lemongrass and Chili Recipe (Ốc Xào Sả Ớt)
Step 2: Peel off the harsh cover of lemongrass, cut into short pieces and smash well. Slice chili small.
Stir fried Snails with Lemongrass and Chili Recipe (Ốc Xào Sả Ớt)

Click Stir fried Snails with Lemongrass and Chili Recipe (Ốc Xào Sả Ớt) to see more


Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 5, 2013

Stir-fried Chicken Gizzard with Smooth Luffa (Mề Gà Xào Mướp Hương)

Have you ever tasted chicken gizzard before? Some may say it is definitely should not be eaten but with some ingredients and several cooking steps, you may have to change your point of view. Hence, the dish for today Vietnamese Chicken Recipes is called as Stir-fried Chicken Gizzard with Smooth Luffa (Mề Gà Xào Mướp Hương).

Stir-fried Chicken Gizzard with Smooth Luffa (Mề Gà Xào Mướp Hương)
Stir-fried Chicken Gizzard with Smooth Luffa (Mề Gà Xào Mướp Hương)
Crunchy chicken gizzard is stir fried with sweet and fresh smooth luffa and some chewy cassava vermicelli would make a stunning recipe to be added in the list of Vietnamese Chicken Recipes. With just 6 simple steps, you can enjoy the dish with your family so why wait?


1 smooth luffa
1 set of Chicken gizzard
100g of cassava vermicelli
Spring onions, salt, pepper, Maggi’s stuff, soya sauce & fish sauce
Cashew nut oil, dried onion


Step 1: Wash the chicken gizzard with water added a little salt in 2 - 3 times, cut in half.

Stir-fried Chicken Gizzard with Smooth Luffa (Mề Gà Xào Mướp Hương)
Step 2: Soak the cassava vermicelli into cold water, cut it short, and then take it out to dry out.
Stir-fried Chicken Gizzard with Smooth Luffa (Mề Gà Xào Mướp Hương)
Step 3: Peel the skin of smooth luffa off, slice it.
Stir-fried Chicken Gizzard with Smooth Luffa (Mề Gà Xào Mướp Hương)
Step 4: Heat up with 2 coffee spoons of cashew nut oil, fried the dried onion, add the chicken gizzard in and stir fry it.
Stir-fried Chicken Gizzard with Smooth Luffa (Mề Gà Xào Mướp Hương)

Click Stir-fried Chicken Gizzard with Smooth Luffa (Mề Gà Xào Mướp Hương) to see more


Braised shrimps with Coconut Meat Recipe (Tôm Kho Cùi Dừa)

Are you ready to learn new recipe from our Vietnamese Food Recipes? The dish for today isBraised shrimps with Coconut Meat (Tôm Kho Cùi Dừa) which shall satisfy your appetite. A bit of seafood and a bit of tropical fruit can create memorable experience for your family’s dinners.
Braised shrimps with Coconut Meat Recipe (Tôm Kho Cùi Dừa)
Braised shrimps with Coconut Meat Recipe (Tôm Kho Cùi Dừa) 
The sweetness from fresh shrimps combines with the crunchiness of Copra would be a great new dish for you & your family to refresh the taste. My mom cooked me this dish and I am confident that adding the recipe into our list of Vietnamese Food Recipes is a correct decision.


300g of Black tiger shrimp
1 small piece of Coconut meat (50 – 100g)
Dried onion, salt, sugar, fish sauce and spring onion


Step 1: Cut and remove the legs & beards but keep the skin attach as well as its mud (if applicable). Wash it with light salt water then let it dry naturally.

Braised shrimps with Coconut Meat Recipe (Tôm Kho Cùi Dừa)
Step 2: Peel off the Coconut skin (the brown one) and then clean and slice it.
Braised shrimps with Coconut Meat Recipe (Tôm Kho Cùi Dừa)
Step 3: Heat up with 2 coffee spoons of cooking oil (if you are using shrimps without mud, you may substitute vegetable cooking oil with cashew nut oil so that the colour can be beautiful), fried the dried onions, pour the shrimps and its mud into the pan and stir fry, add 2 coffee spoons of fish sauce, 1 spoon of sugar, salt then use the chopsticks to stir and mix them up.
Braised shrimps with Coconut Meat Recipe (Tôm Kho Cùi Dừa)

Click Braised shrimps with Coconut Meat Recipe (Tôm Kho Cùi Dừa) to see more


Stir fried Zucchini with Mushrooms Recipe (Bí Ngòi Xào Nấm)

One healthy dish I want to introduce today is originally come from many Easy Vietnamese Recipes. It is called Stir fried Zucchini with Mushrooms (Bí Ngòi Xào Nấm). This dish is really simple and easy for cooking. Moreover, it will help you have a good appetite with family and friends. You also can use this dish like a vegetarian meal in Buddha days.
Stir fried Zucchini with Mushrooms Recipe (Bí Ngòi Xào Nấm)
Stir fried Zucchini with Mushrooms Recipe (Bí Ngòi Xào Nấm)
So, are you ready to discover one of amazing and Easy Vietnamese Recipes like this one? When you are ready, please follow carefully my instruction below and let us start cooking right now.


2 Zucchini
100 – 150g straw mushrooms or king oyster mushrooms or any kind of mushroom you love
Spring onion
Fish sauce, salt, sugar, Magi’s stuff (if you are Vegetarian, use Vegetarian Magi’s stuff instead)
Pepper, garlic


Step 1: Cut off the roots of mushrooms, clean in water added a little salt. Wait to dry.

Stir fried Zucchini with Mushrooms Recipe (Bí Ngòi Xào Nấm)
Step 2: Clean zucchini, cut in half and slice thinly.
Stir fried Zucchini with Mushrooms Recipe (Bí Ngòi Xào Nấm)
Step 3: Heat 2 teaspoons oil, add minced garlic and fry until it is fragrant. Next, add sliced zucchini into pan and fry with large heat in 3 – 4 minutes.
Stir fried Zucchini with Mushrooms Recipe (Bí Ngòi Xào Nấm)

Click Stir fried Zucchini with Mushrooms Recipe (Bí Ngòi Xào Nấm) to see more


Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 5, 2013

Braised Quail Eggs Recipe (Trứng Cút Kho)

Do you have kids? Are you thinking about what dish you should cook for them today? Why don’t choose Braised Quail Eggs (Trứng Cút Kho) which comes from many stunning Vietnamese Food Recipes? This dish contains many nutritious elements which are really necessary for health. Moreover, this dish is quite simple for cooking.
Braised Quail Eggs Recipe (Trứng Cút Kho)
Braised Quail Eggs Recipe (Trứng Cút Kho)
So, are you ready to discover one of stunning Vietnamese Food Recipes like this one with me? Serving with boiled rice or white porridge is all delicious. Now, let us start cooking it, ok?


15 quail eggs
Jelly ear mushrooms
½ onion
Spring onion, fish sauce, salt, sugar, pepper


Step 1: Boil well quail eggs, wait to reduce heat and peel off the cover.

Braised Quail Eggs Recipe (Trứng Cút Kho)
Step 2: Soak jelly ear mushroom in cold water in 15 minutes, cut off the roots, clean again and slice small.
Braised Quail Eggs Recipe (Trứng Cút Kho)
Step 3: Peel off the cover of onion, slice fiber.
Braised Quail Eggs Recipe (Trứng Cút Kho)

Click Braised Quail Eggs Recipe (Trứng Cút Kho) to see more


Fried Egg with Vegetables Recipe (Trứng Chiên Rau Củ)

From many Vietnamese Dish RecipesFried Egg with Vegetables (Trứng Chiên Rau Củ) will be my choice today. The combination between many kinds of vegetables with eggs not only creates a fantastic flavor, but also is really eye catching. It will provide a good meal for all members in family.
Fried Egg with Vegetables Recipe (Trứng Chiên Rau Củ)
How do you think? Do you want to know how to cook one of Vietnamese Dish Recipes like this one right now? If you feel free, welcome to follow my instruction below and let us start cooking, ok?


3 chicken eggs
½ potato, ½ carrot
Spring onion, 1 – 2 brands clove
Fish sauce, pepper, vegetable oil


Step 1: Peel off the cover of potato, carrot. Clean and slice fiber.

Fried Egg with Vegetables Recipe (Trứng Chiên Rau Củ)
Step 2: Slice clove small. Clean and slice small spring onion.
Fried Egg with Vegetables Recipe (Trứng Chiên Rau Củ)
Step 3: Pour all ingredients in step 1 +2 into big bowl with 3 eggs. Add more 1/2 tablespoon fish sauce, a little pepper and stir well.
Fried Egg with Vegetables Recipe (Trứng Chiên Rau Củ)

Click Fried Egg with Vegetables Recipe (Trứng Chiên Rau Củ) to see more
