Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 3, 2013

Sour Bamboo Shoot Hot Pot with Paddy Crab Paste (Lẩu Măng Chua Riêu Cua)

What a hot day! Vietnam’s weather these days is hot like a sauna room. Do you want to try something refreshing after eating, something that would make you sweat but good sweat? Then today must-to-do recipe from our list of Vietnamese Soup Recipes is Sour Bamboo Shoot Hot Pot with Paddy Crab Paste (Lẩu Măng Chua Riêu Cua). Eating with it is hot with vermicelli is really delicious. If you love spicy, you can add more chilli powder or chilli paste to increase the flavour for this dish.
We know that Hot Pot is only good when it is hot while serving; however, Vietnamese have a saying that “Fight fire with fire” for a reason. Try it and test it yourselves with one of our Vietnamese Soup Recipes. The dish is not only delicious but also easy and fast to prepare. Let us start cooking now.


800g of Freshwater Crab (you may use snow crab as substitute)
400g of sour bamboo shoot
Tomato, Dọc Mùng, Okra - Buy all at Vietnamese Markets

Dọc Mùng.
Spring onions, cilantro, dried onions
Fish sauce, Maggi’s stuffs, salt, pepper, lemon, chillies
1-2 tamarind or Dấm Bỗng (a type of Vietnamese special vinegar – you may have to find a Vietnamese supermarket to ask for this because the process of making this is not easy and easy to get spoil)
Ong Choy (water spinach), Field cabbage
Fresh Tofu or Fried Tofu, rice vermicelli
Grilled chopped crab (you can add if you like).


Step 1: Clean the Freshwater Crab, cut in half, takes the Crab-Roe out in a bowl, and add some drops of lemonade in that bowl so that it will not smell so fishy.

Step 2: Fry the dried onion, boil down the Crab-Roe then leave it in a small bowl.
Step 3: Crush and mince the crab body or you can put it in the grinder and grind with 3 bowls of water. Grind it carefully.
Step 4: Use the filter to remove the impurity and put it in a stove. Add water in the stove with a little bit of salt, some Maggi’s stuffs. Boil it, when it is nearly boiled, turn down the heat, use a chopstick to stir gently until the water is wavy a little bit then the Crab-Roe will float on the water surface. Take the crab-roe out in a small bowl, keep the water separately.
Step 5: Slice the pineapple and tomato. Wash the Dọc Mùng, slice it side way. Wash the bamboo shoot in cold water, slice it. Wash the okra, slide it side way. Wash the spring onions, cut its top in half and slice it. Wash the cilantro.
Step 6: Wash and slice the Ong Choy and Field Cabbage.

Click Sour Bamboo Shoot Hot Pot with Paddy Crab Paste (Lẩu Măng Chua Riêu Cua) to see more


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