Chủ Nhật, 17 tháng 3, 2013

Mixture Rice with Deep Fried Prawns Recipe (Cơm Trộn Tôm Chiên Giòn)

Are you thinking about which meal you should prepare for lunch meal in the first day of new week? May I suggest one of amazing Vietnamese Dish Recipes for you guys? This dish is called Mixture Rice with Deep Fried Prawns (Cơm Trộn Tôm Chiên Giòn). With this meal, it will bring enough energy to your new day for working or even studying. Do you love it?
If you are excited about one of amazing Vietnamese Dish Recipes like this one, you can follow the recipe below and decide or not to make it later. I bet you will not regret with your decision if you choose to cook it. Let us start right now.


8 big tempura prawns – Buy at markets
50g fresh shiitake mushrooms
1/6 onion
20g spring onion
1 egg
Spices: fish sauce, sugar, pepper and salt.
2 boiled rice bowls.


Step 1: Soak mushrooms, cut off the roots, clean and slice into long pieces. Clean onion and spring onion then slice small.

Step 2: Pour all ingredients in step 1 into pot, add more 1 tablespoon fish sauce + 1 teaspoon sugar and pour water cover all ingredients.
Step 3: Cook until the water start boiling, add more egg and stir well. Here is the first step to create the flavor for one of delicious Vietnamese Dish Recipes.

Click Mixture Rice with Deep Fried Prawns Recipe (Cơm Trộn Tôm Chiên Giòn) to see more


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