Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 3, 2013

Grilled Chopped Shrimp Balls Recipe (Chả Tôm)

Together enjoy Grilled Chopped Shrimp Balls (Chả Tôm) which comes from many deliciousVietnamese Dish Recipes. How do you think? Love it? Using this food like a main dish for your family meals is also perfect. Moreover, eating with vermicelli and dipping sauce is all a great choice. The sweetness from shrimps and the stunning color from this dish will make you have a good appetite.
So, are you ready to know one of amazing Vietnamese Dish Recipes with us? I bet you will not regret about this decision. When you do want to cook, please follow my instructions below and let us together start right now.


200g prawns (medium size)
60g half lean half fat pork meat
4 brands of garlic
2 tablespoons fish sauce
¼ teaspoon pepper
¼ teaspoon sugar
Vegetable oil.


Step 1: Peel off the cover of prawns, pull out the black lines on their backs. Next, spread salt around their skins and clean carefully. Wait to dry. Clean pork meat and slice small. Peel off the cover of garlics then smash well.

Step 2: Pour all pork meat + garlic into grinder machine. Grind well. Next, add more prawns and grind until they combine together.
Step 3: Marinate this mixture with fish sauce, pepper, sugar and continue to grind until this mixture is soft.
Step 4: Separate this mixture into small balls. To create one of amazing Vietnamese Dish Recipes, I want to give you a small tip. You should use food nylon to cover these balls if you do not fry them immediately.

Click Grilled Chopped Shrimp Balls Recipe (Chả Tôm) to see more


Hollow Donut with Shaken Beef Filling Recipe (Bánh Tiêu Nhân Bò Lúc Lắc)

Beside of making Hollow Donut and eating with Steamed Rice Cakes (Bánh Bò), you also can create something new for this delicious food. Today, I will introduce one of amazing Vietnamese Dessert Recipes for you guys. It is called Hollow Donut with Shaken Beef Filling (Bánh Tiêu Nhân Bò Lúc Lắc). Have you ever thought that you can combine them together before? Let us try to cook and taste it.
Creating something new and delicious when combine many different food together is my favorite way. You should try it at home, especially in weekend. I bet you will not regret with this decision. If you do want to make one of amazing Vietnamese Dessert Recipes, please follow my instructions below carefully.


300g beef meat
3g pepper, 5g chili powder, 10g salt, 3g dill flour.
5g garlic
20ml lemon juice (the first water)
5 hollow donut (you also can make it at home by my recipe)
½ avocado fruit
1 tomato
Olive oil.


Step 1: Clean beef meat in 2 – 3 times. Slice into small cubes.

Step 2: Mix all dried spices together: chili powder, dill flour, pepper and salt. If you do not want to create this flavor for one of stunning Vietnamese Dessert Recipes, you also can use these spices: soya sauce + oyster oil + sesame oil + sugar + pepper + salt.
Step 3: Marinate the mixture spices in step 2 with sliced beef in step 1. Wait in 30 minutes. To increase the flavor for this dish, you can use your hands to press gently to make sure beef meat will absorb all spices and become soft when cooking.
Step 4: Peel off the cover and mince garlic well. Add 2 – 3 teaspoons oil, wait to hot and add more minced garlic and fry until it is fragrant. Then, add more sliced beef in step 3 into pan and fry quickly in 3 – 5 minutes with large heat.

Click Hollow Donut with Shaken Beef Filling Recipe (Bánh Tiêu Nhân Bò Lúc Lắc) to see more


Fried Rice with Beef Meat Recipe (Cơm Rang Thịt Bò)

Do you want to create something new from rice for your family and friends? From many Easy Vietnamese Recipes which can help you can save much time for cooking, I will introduce one amazing dish for all you guys. It is called Fried Rice with Beef Meat (Cơm Rang Thịt Bò). Of course, this dish is not only tasty, but also really healthy, especially for your breakfast. You can cook it for your family before all members go to schools and companies.
Moreover, cooking one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes for your own lunch meal is a great choice. I bet all friends in schools or companies will envy with your lunch. So, are you excited to make it now? If you do want to cook, please follow my instruction below carefully.


1 bowl rice (for 1 person)
50g grinded beef
240ml ketchup
1 chicken egg
Minced Vietnamese mint leaves
30ml sweet wine
1 teaspoon butter or olive oil.


Step 1: Fry grinded beef with salt and wine in 2 – 3 minutes. Next, add more ketchup and cook more 5 – 7 minutes.

Step 2: Roast rice with butter and a little salt + pepper.

Step 3: Pour rice into plate and then add more fried beef in step 1 on face. Small tip: To create one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes more delicious, you can eat with boiled egg which is boiled in vinegar.

Click Fried Rice with Beef Meat Recipe (Cơm Rang Thịt Bò) to see more


Stir-fried Mushrooms with Loopah Recipe (Nấm Xào Mướp)

From many Easy Vietnamese Recipes, the next dish I want to introduce today is not only tasty, but also really good for health. If you want to diet, I think Stir-fried mushrooms with Loopah (Nấm Xào Mướp) is a great choice. The simple combination between mushrooms and loopah will create a spectacular flavor in your mouth. Moreover, the natural sweetness from these vegetables cannot make you fat.
So, are you excited with one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes like this one? When you do want to cook, please follow my instructions below carefully and let us start right now.


1 loopah fruit (100 – 150g)
200g straw mushrooms or shiitake muhsrooms
Salt, spring onion, coriander, fish sauce and Maggi’s stuff.


Step 1: Clean mushrooms carefully, cut off the roots and soak in water added a little salt in 10 – 15 minutes. Next, clean again and wait to dry.

Step 2: Use knife to cut mushrooms thinly.
Step 3: Peel off the cover of loopah, clean and slice small.

Click Stir-fried Mushrooms with Loopah Recipe (Nấm Xào Mướp) to see more


Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 3, 2013

Láng Pagoda (Chùa Láng)

The Láng Festival starts on March 7 (lunar year) that is the beginning of the dry season, and is in fact a common festival of many villages located on both banks of the Tô Lịch River. Let discover Láng Pagoda (Chùa Láng) which one of more Vietnam Popular Destinations.

Similar with other Vietnam Popular Destinations, this place has one legendary story. The pagoda is also connected with Monk Từ Lộ, alias Từ Đạo Hạnh. Classical history books say that Từ Lộ was a Buddhist monk who fed a religious life in a pagoda in Thầy Mountain (also called Phật Tích or Sài Sơn Mountain, Quốc Oai District, Hà Nội), and also practiced magic.

On his death (1116), he reincarnated himself as Dương Hoán, the son of the King’s brother. Later, Dương Hoán became King Lý Thần Tông (1116-38).  Từ Đạo Hạnh passed away in June, 1116 (lunar year) but the Lang Festival, held in his honor, takes place in March, presumably because he was born on March 7, and also to provide an opportunity for merry-making to young men and women during the fair, dry Spring weather.

Local legends add some strange and mythical details about the life of Từ Đạo Hạnh: Từ Đạo Hạnh’s father, Từ Vinh, was a local inhabitant of Láng area, while his mother hailed from a village on the other bank of the river (now Yên Hòa Village, alias Giấy Village).
Being fond of beautiful women, Từ Vinh fell in love with the wife of Marquis Diên Thành Hầu of Vòng Village. He therefore used magic to make himself invisible and sneak into the lady’s room and tease her. The lady, who felt that at night something heavy was weighing on her belly, notified her husband of her apprehensions. Her husband sought the assistance of Magician Đại Điên. Đại Điên instructed the young lady to put a long piece of colored thread on her belly and to immediately tie it up when she felt something weighing heavily on her.
The instructions were followed strictly and Từ Vinh was caught. As he was unable to get away from the knot he had to reappear as a cockroach, “If you reappear in your real form, I will forgive you.” Từ Vinh immediately reappeared as a human being, but Đại Điên, swallowing his promise, killed Từ Vinh and threw his remains into the Tô Lịch River. The corpse drifted along the river to some village and was buried by the local villagers. Later, the spirit of Từ Vinh, used to help the local villagers in many ways. As a result, these 3 villages built pagodas to worship Từ Vinh and since Láng pagoda has been one ofVietnam Popular Destinations.


Click Láng Pagoda (Chùa Láng) to see more


Stir-fried Finger Lady Fruit with Garlic (Đậu Bắp Xào Tỏi)

One of Healthy and Easy Vietnamese Recipes I want to talk about today is Stir-fried Finger Lady Fruit with Garlic (Đậu Bắp Xào Tỏi). It is not only tasty, but also really good for healthy, especially for your bones. My mom usually cooks this food for herself to protect her bones. Moreover, garlic from this dish can help you to resist many diseases such as flu and good for digestion system.
With one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes, but it also can bring many benefits for your health. Do you love it? If you want to follow my recipe, please make sure you will not neglect when cooking. Let us start together cooking right now.


400g finger lady fruit
Some brands garlic
Spices: salt, pepper, sugar, vegetable oil and Maggi’s stuff.


Step 1: Clean finger lady fruit carefully. Cut off the roots. Soak into cold water added a little salt in 15 minutes.

Step 2: Clean again finger lady. Slice slantingly. Wait to dry.
Step 3: Peel off the cover of garlic. Mince well.

Click Stir-fried Finger Lady Fruit with Garlic (Đậu Bắp Xào Tỏi) to see more


Grilled Pork Balls with Vermicelli Recipe (Bún Chả Nướng)

One of most popular Vietnamese Noodle Recipes in Hanoi Capital is Grilled Pork Balls with Vermicelli (Bún Chả Nướng). This food is served with many types of herbs and specific dipping sauce. When you have a chance to visit this place, make sure you will not miss to taste it. It is sold on Hanoi Streets and really easy to find out. When you ask many Hanoian, they will tell you many delicious popular street food and one of them is here.
However, if you still do not have time for traveling to Vietnam, you also can cook one of deliciousVietnamese Noodle Recipes at home. Its flavor is not different when you eat at my country. IF you are ready, please follow my instruction below and let us start cooking right now.


400g grinded pork
Spices to marinate pork: 2 tablespoons honey, ½ teaspoon pepper, 2 tablespoons fish sauce, 1 teaspoon salt.
Spring onion (use the white part), purple onion
1 carrot
¼ green papaya fruit
Dipping sauce: Sugar, fish sauce, vinegar and water with proportion 2:2:1:2
Vermicelli, ong choy/water spinach, salad, coriander, perilla, Vietnamese balm (kinh giới)
Bamboo chopsticks, salt, pepper, vinegar, sugar.


Step 1: Smash the white part of spring onion. Peel off the cover of purple onion + slice small.

Step 2: Pour grinded pork into big bowl, marinate all spices you need as I listed above + onions in step 1. Mix well and cover carefully in 5 – 6 hours. Here is the important step to create one of amazingVietnamese Noodle Recipes.
Step 3: Peel off the cover of carrot. Slice small. Peel off the cover of green papaya fruit, slice small as well. Mix sliced papaya with carrot into small bowl. Add a little salt want wait in 10 minutes. Use your hands to press out all water. Next, soak them with a little sugar, vinegar until they have a little sweet and sour flavor.
Step 4: Making dipping sauce: boil the water and sugar. Wait to get cold, add more slowly fish sauce, vinegar and season to suit your flavor. Next, add more minced garlic and chili.
Step 5: Soak bamboo chopsticks into cold water. With this step, these sticks will not be burnt when grilling. Next, chop in half for each one.
Step 6: Clean all vegetables with water added a little salt in 2 – 3 times. Then, clean again in fresh water.

Click Grilled Pork Balls with Vermicelli Recipe (Bún Chả Nướng) to see more


Mixture Yogurt with Jack Fruit Recipe (Sữa Chua Mít)

These days, one of Vietnamese Dessert Recipes which is quite popular for young Vietnamese people is Mixture Yogurt with Jack Fruit (Sữa Chua Mít). This dessert is not only delicious, but also really good for your skin. The combination between these ingredients will create a fantastic song when chewing. Moreover, weekend is arrived; you also can make this dish for your party to treat all members in family and friends. Such a great idea, doesn’t it?
When you do want to make one of delicious Vietnamese Dessert Recipes like this one with us, please follow my instructions below carefully. I bet you and all members in family will totally fall in love with it. If you do not have a chance to visit Vietnam, you also can make it at home to enjoy one of delicious street food so far in my country.


100g tapioca starch
Some green or pink food color drops.
Hot water
4 – 5 segments of jack fruit
200g black jelly
1 teaspoon basil seeds
Strawberry syrup


Step 1: Pour tapioca starch into clean bowl; add more some food color drops.

Step 2: Slowly pour hot water into this mixture. Use your hands to knead flour until it becomes soft, smooth and does not stick to your hands no more.
Step 3: Separate into lovely small balls to create the tapioca pearl. From many Vietnamese Dessert Recipes these days, we usually use this ingredient to create a stunning flavor for our dessert meals.
Step 4: Boil the water, add all tapioca balls in step 3 and boil until all of them are floated on face of water. Put them on basket.
Step 5: Wash them immediately in cold water to make sure they will not be stuck together.
Step 6: Tear small jack fruit’s segments

Click Mixture Yogurt with Jack Fruit Recipe (Sữa Chua Mít) to see more


Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 3, 2013

Bút Tháp Pagoda (Chùa Bút Tháp )

Bút Tháp Pagoda (Chùa Bút Tháp) has the pen name of Ninh Phuc Tu. It is located in But Thap hamlet, Dinh To commune, Thuan Thanh district, Bac Ninh province. This is a quite untouched pagoda and it has a big architecture scale of North Delta. This place now is considered as one of Vietnam Popular Destinations.
According to the book of Ha Bac monograph, the pagoda was built in Tran Thanh Tong king time.  Huyen Quang monk was a nun in this pagoda. He had the stone tower of 9 storey built with the lotus decorated (this tower is not available until today). Until 17th century, the pagoda is famous for the nun of superior Buddhist monk named Chuyet Chuyet (citizen of Fujianprovince of China). In 1644, the nun passed away and titled to be a great by the king.
Differently with other Vietnam Popular Destinations, the architecture of the pagoda is mainly the internal attack with outside support style. All the monuments face the South, traditional architecture of the Vietnamese. The pagoda is balanced in the centre area but very natural in the surrounding area. The centre area includes eight houses which are set in an axis which are three gates entrance, bell tower, forecourt, upper palace, Tich Thien Am palace, middle house, worshiping palace, and back of a mansion.
There are two lines of stele house in the lobby and it runs along the length of the pagoda. At the left side and at the back of the lobby, there is a five-room house which is used for the worshipping place of the Buddhist priest Chuyet Chuyet, Minh Hanh. There are towers beside this house which are the tomb of the nun, Bao Nghiem tower, Ton Duc tower, Tam Hoa tower, Ni Chauotwer. The architecture of But Thap is also deeply marked by Chinese which are typically the stone bridge and Bao Nghiem tower.
In the lobby around the upper palace, there are many carving pictures of wood and stone. There are totally 51 carving pictures with many different topics with the generalization in the material, style and it is generalized in terms of time. The carving patterns are lively with the artistry characteristic with the topics of trees, flowers, birds, animals.
But Thap is one of the little numbers of Vietnam Popular Destinations which remains the ancient architecture. There are many architect students coming here for internship. Visitors come here would come to the history and seems like come to the sparkling Buddhist land with the brown statues of Buddha to the architectures of tower, yard, lobby, etc…
Bao Nghiem tower looks like a giant pen which upraises towards the sky. This is the place to worship Chuyet Chuyet great priest. The tower is a five storey block with a part of the peak made from blue marble. There are five small bells in the corners of five stores. There is a round area inside the tower with the diameter of 2.29m. The last layer of the tower has 13 carving stone pictures with the main subjects of animals.

Click Bút Tháp Pagoda (Chùa Bút Tháp ) to see more


Deep Fried Egg Noodle with Seafood Recipe (Mì Xào Giòn)

Do you want to cook Deep Fried Egg Noodle with Seafood (Mì Xào Giòn) which comes from many delicious Vietnamese Noodle Recipes with us today? A little change will create a spectacular flavor for your family meal and I bet all members in your family will love it a lot. Serving for lunch or dinner time is perfect. The combination between egg noodle and seafood with vegetables will create an amazing song in your mouth when chewing.
If you want to cook one of amazing Vietnamese Noodle Recipes with us, please follow my instruction below and let us start right now. One more tip is I suggest you should eat when it is hot to keep the specific flavor of this food.


150g dried egg noodle
Vegetable oil
70g fresh prawn (peeled off cover, pulled out the black lines on backs and clean)
70g fresh squid (clean and sliced small)
50g scallop (clean and cut in half)

Onion, minced garlic
Shiitake mushrooms, soaked and cut off the roots
Chinese Cabbage, clean and cut in half
Green Broccoli, cleaned and sliced small
Carrot, peeled, cleaned and sliced small
Spring onion, celery
Soya sauce, oyster oil
Pepper, salt, chicken broth mix, sesame oil, sugar.
Chicken Eggs (Optional).


Step 1: Soak egg noodle in warm water in 10 minutes. Next, clean again in cold water and wait to dry.

Step 2: Heat the oil (make sure it will cover all egg noodles), fry until it is crispy and turn brown yellow. Put on plate added paper napkin to absorb wasted oil. Here is the important step to create one of amazing Vietnamese Noodle Recipes for your family.

Step 3: Heat the oil again (2 -3 teaspoons), add minced garlic and fry until it is fragrant. Add more all seafood and fry quickly in 2 – 3 minutes.

Click Deep Fried Egg Noodle with Seafood Recipe (Mì Xào Giòn) to see more
