Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 2, 2013

Red Beetroot Soup Recipe (Canh Củ Dền)

The natural sweetness from red beetroot is cooked with Napa cabbage; grinded pork will create a stunning dish for your family meal. And this dish is Red Beetroot Soup (Canh Củ Dền) which comes from many healthy Vietnamese Soup Recipes. Beside the delicious flavor, this soup also contains many benefits for your body, especially for who has low blood pressure like me and my mother.
If you want to take care of your own health and your family health, make sure you will not miss to cook one of healthy Vietnamese Soup Recipes like this one. When you are ready, please follow our instructions below carefully and let us start cooking right now.


1 red beetroot (medium size)
200gr grinded pork
150gr Napa cabbage
Salt, pepper, coriander, purple onion, sugar.


Step 1: Marinate grinded pork with 1 teaspoon salt, a little pepper and mix well. Wait in 15 minutes.

Step 2: Peel off the cover of red beetroot. Clean and slice into small cubes.
Step 3: Clean Napa cabbage and slice small.

Click Red Beetroot Soup Recipe (Canh Củ Dền) to see more


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