Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 2, 2013

Braised Fish Head with Green Chili Recipe (Đầu Cá Kho Ớt Xanh)

When weather changes from cold to hot, my body gets sick easily. These days I just want to eat something salt and spicy. That is why my mom chooses to cook Braised Fish Head with Chili  (Đầu Cá Kho Ớt Xanh) for me and family. This dish is really tasty especially when eating with boiled rice or noodle. Come from many delicious Vietnamese Fish Recipes, you cannot deny its stunning flavor from the first time of eating.
This braised fish dish is not require much time and cooking skills, so when you are ready, please follow carefully our instructions below and let us together start making one of amazing Vietnamese Fish Recipes for who we love.


1 big fish head (mackerel or tuna fish is all delicious)
1 ginger
3 big green chili fruits
Garlic, purple onion, fish sauce, sugar, Maggi’s stuff, annatto seeds oil, salt, pepper, spring onion.


Step 1: Slice fish head into medium pieces. Clean carefully and marinate with a little salt, wait in 15 – 20 minutes.

Step 2: Peel off the cover of ginger, garlic, purple onion, and grind them well.
Step 3: Clean green chili and slice small.

Click Braised Fish Head with Green Chili Recipe (Đầu Cá Kho Ớt Xanh) to see more


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